Exhaustive attempt at Being Logical from a writing of mine....

The financial behavior you model will be emulated by your children
Tough love tips:
·         Stop trying to be the Huxtables
·         Manage love and money
·         Teach your kids financial values
·         Stop self medicating through shopping
·         Be selfish
·         Make your money work for you
·         Turn a hobby into extra income
Dr Nancy said after Pres. Obama’s speech at the University of Maryland that he was in rare form today. I agree.  Very excited; like the Obama America fell in love with on the campaign trail.  His way with the crowd is pleasing.

Listening to Peace be Still by Vanessa Bell-Armstrong
I know I’ve been changed by LaShun
Back to Eden artist unknown
So, I just got off the phone with one of my girlfriends that has been disagreeing with me for the last couple hours about who knows what when we started talking about going on a trip to Disney World.  So much for that venture to have some sort of deep motivational and inspirational venture to the mall that I was looking for.  We watched this movie that had us cracking up the other night.
Five questions to boost your mood[i]
·         What gave me joy today
·         Do I really need to take offense
·         Is there someone I should forgive
·         What are my strong points
·         How can I sustain happiness
I’ve been failing myself on the ventures to the thrift store I swore by a few months ago.  Still looking for unique pieces of furniture and table coverings and things that I can repurpose.  I did stay true to the fabric gathering and made 3 different sets of drapes for the house.  The separation of the foyer and the bedrooms turned out well.  I’m thinking that the arrangement of large pieces in the bedroom need to be resurfaced.
My hope for the exterior of the house is to be able to afford a lawn treatment service and maybe a maintenance plan every few weeks in the warmer months.  There are a few trouble spots in the front near the street and around the mailbox.  Hopefully sooner than later I’ll  be able to do something with the hedges that have become seriously untammed along with the tree line between the neighbor’s yard and our own.  Not even going to talk about that bush that’s supposed to be drawing attention away from the utility box in the middle of our yard.
Magellan Roadmate 1210 portable GPS $114.99  reg. $129.99
Expect real Miracles
Maria Duval is one of the world renowned spiritual advisors from somewhere in the southwest.  Her divine gifts have enabled her to perform miracles for everyday people like you and I.  She has predicted the outcomes of future scientific experiments, Located missing persons, has a running total of more than 30 accurate and verifiable predictions and has appeared on more than 10000 Television broadcast events, written about in 700 newspapers and currently is an executive editor at the Cielmang Magazine.
The lady answered the door and says Hello to a strange observer who exclaimed his passion for passing time making casual conversation with patrons that walk to and from carrying on about the difference  between this and that when the copper street cover caught the attention of a commuter that began to look for something in the various pieces of media he was obsessed with and decided to stick with the Public radio instead while thinking about the entrance to the country club he was on the way to.  His anguish about the offices confusion made him further ponder the gesture that tested his demeanor earlier in the day.
Even though the words poured and joined and bounty kept and the foot of the bird that walked in the sand that was dark and light and smooth and was pulled from creativity that was shouted and knew when & when not to show and hears a fish that was saved from being eaten from a large bird and is asked to move further away and refuses to believe that his aren’t needed right now.  Only being on a train that is too close.
In the need for separation and wants a free ride or fare free ride that is still out and wants to be in to sew love in is all that is asked and she does the best she knows how and the observation of this is on some different level and he allows seeds to be sewn rather than eating for once when the patience is near an end there is the extension from who what just like one of his to wear out a welcome.
We don’t have the same friends that we did –OR- no one goes there anymore; food there is too expensive-OR-Figured out how to make the same thing at home-OR-I’m not trying to impress you anymore or any of your friends-OR-The last time we were there the service wasn’t that great-OR-I’m not going out in public with you looking like that-OR-We’ve only got (sum) much money until payday, lets wait-OR-Let me surprise you-OR-How about we do something else-OR-When we’re leaving, you’ll(accusingly)get bored and grumpy after the check is paid, I’m not dealing with that-OR-I don’t really like having people wait on me-and finally You and I argue too much to be in public to dine or have a meal together.
Penny doesn’t have anymore teeth so I’m wondering if she’s chewing her food well enough?  I remember when I wanted to … and … then… happened.  ;
Being asked; Look at all of us and remember that I’m not the only one that enjoys the stream or wants to make sense out of the past few hours or goes to the First store in the mall or wants to be honest at all the wrong times or visits places that carry inexpensive goods and spends way too much money.  Nope that didn’t seem right so I’ll keep on driving, up past the part of town I’m confused in that seems beach and ghetto and nice as well, with lots going on and people everywhere.  Made a shortcut through via the expressway.  That reminds me of the next store at the mall that wants me to spend 30 dollars to look classy and cheap at the same time.  Soon my desire to shop became a distant memory when the annoying one parked on the side of the street and jumped out of her stolen car.  I left the house.  I wanted to begin after driving about for awhile.  Found myself at the next store that had a polite young man that wanted to help me find the best pair of sneakers.  This was a difficult task for me almost like buying a car.  He noticed my style and commented about the few pair of high end classics that were flying off the shelves.  I’m slowing down at this point.  There’s a group of loud obnoxious teens making their way down the corridor.  All the associates scatter like wildfire to avoid the rush while I’m standing there holding the display version of the hi top sneaker I was interested in purchasing.
Sure would be good to get something to munch on like those delicious slow roasted pecans that are sold somewhere, only found every once in awhile, however, can be detected by scent everywhere in the mall.   

Someone find me I’m not in a clothing rack but that’s a good start.  Don’t force feed those children; Stop force feeding those children.  Learn how to lead a lost.  He sees you too much time that you waste in here now this is her time you waste time.  Noise-you said he sees you I don’t know how you got caught in her.  You’re about to get a new heart in her.
The one that needs attention is in the seating chart
The teacher wants to help but the rest of the pupils are doing so well.  The stir from the one that needs attention had been left to their own devices and will be better off that way.  The one that wants to be good is sometimes spun off to be bad in the place where only she recognizes the parallel.
The place is silent without the one who creates the behavior that is to be corrected.  The people who disregard the one who needs attention will be confused and the one who confuses will not be of this place.
Who the person that cares so much is the one who is always placed in the wrong with that one.  The child that has the scars from whatever the hell has been on there not the logic or the disgust or the compassion or the nearness that is becoming misplaced and smeared
The seating chart that should be forgotten and has been used as a tool that could only make sense to the one that was there with the group that was doing what they were supposed to be doing.
Minding P’s and Q’s even if they don’t know what they are.  Yearning for something.  Who has a vision and cannot explain why the puppy can be here and is curious and is sure that he understands the dynamics of the O has a eagle eye and wears his with pride and has a prescence that creates a void if not met and blesses and speaks with the day and knows the difference between the adult and child knows how to use the things that have been in the memory of another Loves his brothers and co defends and observes and collects and has the attention of the environment also is aware of the arguments that are being kept hidden and wants to help.  Knows that isaboo is someone else’s pet and isn’t paying attention.  Who forgets placement Who encourages the place of agreement that befriends the seed-eater That asks questions like do you know…
Who has a reputation of admiration among many that should be in who woes and becomes something of a force and saves himself before the heed has taken place with who should not be split or attempted to be more cleaver than who should leave well enough alone who is well mannered and progressive and focused on something that soothes and becomes the object of attention directed who rests who forms that insists on being the only occupant that forces the truth to rest who is disabled and a host for the commercial that is played over and over and should be an umbrella imberrelea and pretends to know only by playing along and the one with the bad news that insists on being involved and should be clear that is divided do you know a shot below the belt?  Have you been there all along?  Do you know what you’re agreeing with? 
Two kings that are unable to get along that insist on being in the same place at the same time 1-2-3-
The numbness that pauses and admits to not having many friends that circulate and overwhelm on to feel drowsy and has a chiseled face and eyes of a distance and present reality.
Who demands the attention of speaks like short syllables
 _ _ _ _ ____ _ _____ _ _ _
That forces air from and chatters and shouldn’t be neglected and has the gift of and knows.  That is involved in the argument that creates the drowsiness and binds the truth and sinks but should remain innocent and does not have the way out that cannot be mocked.  That knows a weight that has been lifted and should be on the carpet that draws in the attention of  the one that is. Seen in the place and mentioned and eager to be a part of that makes this easy to relate to that cannot be where the minis are supposed to go that that draws in and is covered in and attempts to gain an offer that is unreasonable
That collides and briefly obtains the truth that is supposed to keep the hands off and refused to be restrained that was in danger and was forced to be restrained that is upset and humble that doesn’t know how to drive that is looked over and over again as a truant and has become the third chord of a symphony. 
The professional is disgusted at the lost generation and how easily they are distracted.  There were many gestures shared and brought eyes that know and a gift and has recalled the incomplete areas and rescues the misplaced elders responsibility again and has devoured the wrong places the whole thing that was heckled out for the radio chatter and reminded of a rigid are that could be extended and sobered again and reminded of a musician that was photographed with Taylor that wanted to express something but instead looked naïve again and desires to investigate the scene and knows where they are and chooses to be silent and watchful.  Who lacks companionship who has been neglected and disciplined and who has a regal demeanor that should not be wrestled with or disturbed with while resting that constantly becomes sought after and is obedient and well groomed  That was without instruction that three things upset the order and wants to figure out on their own that looks like a thirst and a hunger and is craved
Was supposed to be placed and stood up as a resistance that is sought after for some balance that should have a positive energy that is capable of love that is my new addiction that has been placed in a book that will be powerful tool and that will be used for good work.  That was meant for that has found a human voice that has the sweets that wants to bring life to that knows the center of
Jumpin’ Josaphats!
The professional sat with me today and has a few notes:
1.   Thankful that you understand the dynamics of placement, the principles of Daniels in Den, What wood is asked for what steel is and where it is What and how or how and where to make presentations
2.   Remember that when something becomes overwhelming there’s probably a need to be outdoors rather than indoors.  Remember the importance of refreshments.
3.   Know how to put an end to something before beginning something new.  Be prepared for an argument and have somewhere to go. 
To complete 75-80 hours of volunteer work throughout the November-December Holiday season
Prepare group efforts for at least 3 different events of support to local community
Earn money for future events
Collect goods to distribute to people in need
Fight the force that attempts to shut down before anything begins
You know I don’t like you so I’m only here to let you know that I’m attempting to destroy any plans you have for success since I truly do not like you. 
I’m not sure what has brought me to this dislike of you but here it is.  Let you know already what you have been doing here and this is something that needs to change.  Do not let this mouth take over because there’s not going to be anything worth hearing coming out.  This Jaw is useless and the gut is repulsive as well as the presence of you here-I’m not sure why you are even in this place when the energy is somewhere else.  Remember the flow and how it’s supposed to be free?  Remember why that is moving slow here
Guessed who’s back and who’s pissed that they’ve eaten a whole 3 day old loaf of fruitcake?  What is the point of this weight?
Notice how the heat rises from below and lingers.  Opened this.  Didn’t make any sense?  What can you go buy?
The last thing I recall hearing him say was C wants to know why he’s walking with this cold old man to see in you.  She told a good story about the picture seeing.  The humor we share is[1] a treasure.  Thanks for giving us a heads up on the whole supper nanny issue with the moving in and the Latin family.   Since my visit with the pretty girl that reminds me of*baby school* I’ve made some messes go away.  Heaven knows how bad I made one of my closer friends feel when she was going thru some of her trials.  Hoping I’m able to keep with the meatless eating for a while.  There’s one of these people that I’m unable to place.  The name he keeps giving doesn’t match and that’s why I’ve been upset with your mom.  You shouldn’t be upset with her- they’re kind of become one another since the loss.  They shouldn’t be so demanding, you know?
We aren’t going back over this are we you know when lawyers get involved like restraining orders are made for a reason. 
So who is the rowdy one?  This time?  How is the travel plans coming along?  South North thing is wacky so is inside out and the race card.  No the race card is just sick beyond anything.  Are you thinking of ways to make me taste like broccoli to a kid?
Also recall her telling me that I just don’t understand love the way everyone is just standing around in me in my mind.
Imagine having an imaginary best friend that you consulted in for years and finding out everything you told or mentioned was judged and weighed by the worst cynics around.  As if my whatever this is looked like the laugh box or something.  Someone told me this was near and wasn’t listening.
A body see in is almost as confusing as the reason I’m afraid right now.  That kid dare’s you to use a pin to make your way out.  Does anyone mind telling me why my area is on a dry heat?  Did all this just become something that is talked about because this crazy E is on or did the meds help this insanity along.  On of these days I’ll be able to clear my story in time the will be the way a blind man sees.  I’m upset that you decided to ditch your friend see in in me.
Please remind me why I read so slowly again
Also I’m not sure I want to be sleepy all the time
So many options:
Class vs Trash
How are they distinguished
Use your judgement but don’t be quick to judge
Won’t let the ethnicity see go?
Keep lite light joints less politics
This worries me
His are terrible
The younger brother and the husband ignore her and do what they want when she *drinks*
She loses track of who she shares with
She wonders about the message shared with the neighbors.  She wants to be normal as in the?
Constricted somewhere that happens on a Sunday that is devoured and isn’t understood and is make believe to an outsider that is made sense of  that shouldn’t make sense that has lost an edge that will not remedy itself that brought some in without telling that is along for a ride that warned you that should have been laughed at that should not have caught us was meat to be out that has made an image of themselves that used muscle memory that believes in Christ that was eaten in but should have stayed out with the rest that gets upset in that means so much and lingers but should not. The one that battles the fat the one that struggles the ones who were weak the part that is open the ones that are curled about something that has been claimed the thing that was bought that was not found the one stench not found the other end the places she speaks from the wisper the place she remembers the story
The correction the creation of something new a beginning of an order the binge that lasted seven meals long the days ahead the longer drought the sleepless nights the amazement the same thoughts the awkwardness the trip away the friend in town the wrong direction the bad neighborhood the sanction the pause in silence the loss of a loved one the story of a followership the beginning of a venture past the avenue the zipper the barrel the excitement that was a false alarm the perfect day the highs and lows the treacherous drive the swarm the door that was knocked on the place that is kept somewhere away the prayer to send me away the dislike the distrust the not bones the detour to the one that doesn’t care the in my face the wrong stare the only face that stares the questions the one that needs peace
The principles that become bars
The misunderstanding
 the distance
 the wrong book
 the lack of warmth
 their height without
knowing the
 belief the
 common places the
placement of
listening the
question of hwo his are
always called the
never knowing when
a her is there to call
the continuation of a song the writing of new songs the musician the reminder from the real first lady’s of these places to incorp. Good thoughts
Do you know where my wal mart has been Mrs. Jolie?  The talk the enjoying of her style the pictures that put them together the bookstore the vacations the visionary the one that didn’t understand the one that was in tounges. The weaping the hiding the persistence the now I’m understanding the one who stares how did I become so involved in this? The reality the house (those were hybles) Don’t move just think about it this is a He’ll to some
This started with a in law see in lo derby link something….
He started talking trash early while you slept.  The sound of the elevator the text msg. the bell the reminded to just think the praise the grill the crowd the illness

Nov 2009
Saturday  7th
FCC@  Park wood Heights Elementary Park 1709 Lansdowne Rd, Jacksonville
Tuesday 17th
2nd Harvest Silent Auction
Prime Osborn C.C.
1000 Water St
City Council Meeting
Recreation and Community Development
117 W. Duval St. 1st floor Council Chamber M. Allen 630.1404
5pm City Council Meeting
Land Use and Zoning

Saturday 15th
8:30-11:30 am
6629 Beach Blvd, Jax 32216
Between University blvd
and Dean Rd

Friday 6ththru Sunday 8th
Jacksonville Beach USO
Sea & Air Show


Where do I pickup & leave off with you?
Got out of theirs kellies cabinet  Do you know how long we’ve worked in this?
Season of now…next season in the middle?  ASCE 2.2 Depressed economy used infrastructure why pastor t. phelps embarrassed somking mari
Why companies are investing in super bowl ads
Why friends stimulus is prod
Q wext texas riot phe
5mil sank treasure team
Food budget cut causes weight gain
Ted haggard”movement impotent
Millions spent on S.B. ads when said that consumers aren’tbuying
Worlds news sponsored in part by: Florida.Juice.Com
Ps. Place those ads
Live in peace w/eachother, do not be proud but make friends with those who seem unimportant do not think how smart you are
Dialouge His trying too hard to blend in
Saving family from that land of the wicked, wants his wife, they left went to the mountains, came to the valley & explored: Deuteronomy  19
Career development influences


The writing about the story that in decided made an incomplete impression
Socioeconomic status
Parents occupation
Perceived prestige
Thinking about a career has potentially brought a pale to that I’ve made an understanding somehow that keeps attention toward the placement
Some under particularly suitable?
Myths? Lack of sustenance
Being into the 10th how these jumped toward the leading and no time for the past moment that seems to buzz around and is able to the myths about the wse of voice is lame too personal group dynamics
The skill is being evaluated that are being the type of average if the practices that take
How the game 10 being played unders.
Keep the mgmt survivor and the p alliances
Tree of ideas loosing the types of job loss

Something I’m supposed to remind him about like unfinished business
Someone that’s excited about being you something this
I’m not mad or anything just disappointed? About doing dot minutes and only being able to go just over 3miles big time setback for what?!!  I’m no kind of person to doubt my ability but woah this is some terrible ice being able to engage a different group of muscles while running makes a big difference_.._
The fact remains the he hates he wife what happens in april? Oh his sweet victory tat has been making its way around&around a gain

[1] All we have?

[i][i] Adapted by Nicole Fearns from Essence Sept 2009 article by Niema Jordan