Lottery tickets are still a #Tacky gift idea

Have someone in mind that is difficult to gift but incredibly generous throughout the year?  How do I gift the following individuals in a way that is meaningful? 
  • The Postmaster
  • The receptionist at the Dentists office
  • The Veterinarian Assistant
  • the associates that always help or in passing speed the your visit to Walgreens, Walmart, Target, The Gas Station, Etc.
As mentioned, no one wants to stand out as a sore thumb by gifting people who are regularly seen but not really know.  I noticed a commercial for the +Reader's Digest earlier today.  For those someone's that may be difficult to gift, wouldn't a publication subscription addressed to the staff lounge be a nice secret Santa gift! 

My other thought about gifting is this.  Remember browsing the web on Cyber Monday hunting down the best deals and shipping rates?  Why not gift an app available on  +Google Play , ITunes or a +Vimeo  plus membership, a premium +BlogTalkRadio account, a +Runtastic pro, or similar useful gift?  It says you're paying attention to what they are interested in and want to invest in their dream. 

10 Days till Christmas!  BTW Inexpensive wine and lottery tickets are welcome here.