I'm here cranking out this post in my zone. Check out +Rhapsody top 50 albums of 2013
Something told me not to go overboard with the Christmas Decorating this year. I'm glad that I followed my instinct. It should only take me an hour or so to completely wrap up the glassware, ornaments and stow them somewhere for next year.
As with the rotating of holiday themed items. How many items do you have stored in cabinets, Armour's, and drawers that don't get used all the time? Most of the items we store in cabinets drawers and such have been stashed out of sight and only come to mind when theres no more room to stash something quickly. This is why TV programs and an entire industry stay afloat.
As spring cleaning is concerned, I thought of hiring a planner and moving company before. Even for small scale reorganizing projects, redecorating or all together relocating hiring a personal assistant or professional organizer is helpful.
Planning for a retirement downsize? Professional organizers have been hired in the past for this very process. The professional will be able to re purpose, reduce and reclaim your living spaces in several short phases. First schedule an appointment with the idea you have in mind. Be prepared with a budget. The organizer may have several connections and help you auction off belongings via consignment on EBay.
Simple follow through techniques for beginning a de clutter process
Take a mental inventory of the spaces you frequent around your home. My goal is always to have in mind the unexpected visitor. Someone you want to keep your personal living space open to. Think like a snoop or crook and begin in your grooming area. Do you have an abundance of half full shampoo or hair product containers? Does the space feel inviting or do you want to turn around and walk away from it as soon as you enter?
Next investigate your clothes changing area. Does it look like a crime scene? What wardrobe items need to be rotated from over use? Do you find yourself looking for a change of clothes or something different to put on? Do you find yourself laundering the same unappealing garments over and over again due to lack of variety?
Beginning a de clutter project is all about adding value to what you already have. Its about feeling good about the possessions you have before shopping for new ones. The de clutter process is a way create a system that works for you.
Are you into scrap booking, crafting or photography? What draws your interest to these networks? Finding likeness, seeing new designs and getting a different feel for the things that matter to you. Try creating a private diary of your personal belongings on laundry day. I'm a fan of keeping everything on hangers in the closet more than folded in drawers. Sometimes I find myself short of hangers for this reason. I layer tshirts and drape them through the hanger, usually six to eight deep depending on the heaviness of material.
Sometimes declutter projects need to over ride Up cycling inclination. How many of us have noticed a sweet up cycle project like this coke bottle Chandelier and thought how awesome and easy it could be to make one. Sorry to burst your bubble but making something like this usually happens by someone with skill and specific uses in mind when collecting scraps, not just holding on to stuff with hopes of creating something amazing. Who else has been here? you put aside something with intent to donate, re purpose, or re-gift, but the item lingers around forever, never making its way to the final destination. When trying to up-cycle, keep in mind your tendency to place higher value on personal possessions than what are realistic.
For more tips and encouragement visit these communities on Google +
+Neat Freak Professional Organizing
+Keep it Clean
+Social Sharing
+eBay Alternatives
+Silvia Antlady community for Daily de cluttering projects
+Karla Jennings community on Housekeeping
+Estate Clearing and Downsizing