Wordpress has a neat add on wiget that can be linked to your blog providing prompt based writing topics from Plinky.com. With a wordpress blog, you are able to choose the default page a post is filed under.
Tumblr looks neat. Popular with photographers it seems to me.
Facebook everyone's got a Facebook page. Did you know you could blog on it?
Weebly offers a free and paid version of their service.
Blogger is my platform of choice.
Game Informer lets you create a simple journal style blog.
Make the most of your mental real estate space. Take a look around the web at different blogs and make a note of what your experience is like. Do you get lost immediately? Aside from grammatical errors does the information come across as easy to follow? When a blog displays the view count of each post or other stat information, do you feel as if your visit is less meaningful? How important are timestamps and location information to you on a post? Has the blogger included this information? What about archived posts? How are those sorted? Is that important? Don't ever forget that the Internet is a powerful tool. It can make a scholar seem dumb and simpletons seem brilliant.