I'm also not trying to waste the morning and make the wrong decisions later by not following the plan and goofing around later.
All the sight seeing I want to do is depending on getting some of these boxes unpacked. I'm complaining and rebelling about the self-imposed restrictions I've set but as long as I'm able to generate a blog post, humor and muse my readers, it makes all the trouble worthwile.
The series I'm working on concurrently for RoyalSnub.Blogspot.com
- Reign of Rhonda:Roadtrip
- Movie Monday
- Movie Trivia Tuesday
- Glocal Temperature Check: Education
- 5 years, 650 miles
My toiletries and clothes didn't get packed in a gymbag last night like I wanted to.
I also forgot to pack a lunch for myself to avoid the drive thru.
Did however accomplish some kitchen unpacking. Noticing several items that don't really have a place yet that are staying boxed up for now.
This combo utility room/garage space has so much potential. The cars have been camping out on the driveway since the movers were here. Really wanting to move this stuff around to get the autos back into the garage.